Sunday, January 26, 2020

Network Opimisation Problems And Forecasting

Network Opimisation Problems And Forecasting The Makonsel Company, a fully integrated company that both produces and sells goods at its retail outlets. After production, the goods are stored in companys two warehouses until needed by the retail outlets. Trucks are used to transport the goods from the two plants to the warehouses, and then from the warehouses to the three retail outlets. Using units of full truckloads, the following table shows each plants monthly output, its shipping cost per truckload sent to each warehouse, and the maximum amount that it can ship per month to each warehouse. Unit Shipping Cost For each retail outlet (RO), the next table shows its monthly demand, its shipping cost per truckload from each warehouse, and the maximum amount that can be shipped per month from each warehouse. Unit Shipping Cost The Managements objective is to determine the shipping plan (number of truckloads shipped per month from each plant to each warehouse and from each warehouse to each retail outlet) that will minimise the total shipping cost. In order to achieve the objective, the following issues will be discussed : The distribution network of Makonsel Company, algebraic formulation for the network model, spreadsheet formulation for this problem by using the solver of excel and interpretation and recommendation of the result. The distribution network A network model for the Makonsel Company problem as a minimum-cost flow problem According to the data from the table above we put it into a distribution network. The supply nodes in this network are P1 (plant1) and P2 (plant2), the transshipment nodes are W1 (warehouse1) and W2 (warehouse2) and the demand nodes in this network are RO1, RO2 and RO3. And the shipping cost and the shipping capacity differ considerably among these shipping lanes. The cost per unit shipped and the maximum amount that it can ship per month (given in square brackets of the arc) through each lane is shown above corresponding arrow in the above Figure. Algebraic Formulation Solution: Decision variables Makonsel must determine how much to ship per month from each plant to each warehouse and from each warehouse to each retail outlet. Let Xij = Number of truckloads to ship from i to j (i = P1, P2; j = W1, W2). Let Xjk =Number of truckloads to ship from j to k (j =W1, W2 k=RO1, RO2, RO3). Then Makonsels problem may be formulated as Objective: Subject to: The first five constraints ensure that each retail outlet is meet their monthly demand, and the 2 Sources constraints are ensure that each plants monthly output and the last 10 ensure the maximum amount that can be shipped per month. Spreadsheet Formulation After we finished the algebraic formulation, we can transform them to spreadsheet, and using the solver of Excel to work out the distribution problem. The spreadsheet formulations are all showed in the graph below. A spreadsheet model for the Makonsel Company minimum-cost flow problem, where the changing cells (C4:C13) show the optimal solution obtained by the Solver and the target cell (E15) gives the resulting total cost of the flow through the network. Interpretation and Recommendation The optimal solution for the Makonsel Company problem, where the shipping amounts are shown in parentheses over the arrows By using excel we can calculate the minimum total shipping cost of Makonsel Company is  ¿Ã‚ ¡488.125. In order to make the minimum total monthly shipping cost of  ¿Ã‚ ¡488.125, the Makonsel Company should first transport 125 truckloads per month from plant 1to warehouse 1 and 75 units to warehouse 2. And ship 175 truckloads per month from plant 2 to warehouse 1, ship 125 truckloads per month to warehouse2. After that the retail outlet1, retail outlet 2 and retail outlet 3 should get 100 truckloads, 50 truckloads and 100 truckloads from warehouse 1 respectively. And should separately transport 50 truckloads, 150 truckloads and 50 truckloads from warehouse 2 to retail outlet1, retail outlet 2 and retail outlet 3. As we have known the shipping cost per truckload from each plant and each warehouse from the table. Thus the Minimum Cost= 425*125+560*75+510*125+600*175+470*100+505*50 +490*100+390*50+410*150+440*50 =488,125 Conclusion Determined the shipping plan which can minimise the total shipping cost is the management objective of Makonsel Company. By building the distribution network , formulating the constraints and calculating the result through using the solver of excel , Makonsel Company successfully solve the distribution network problem and construct the shipping plan with the minimum total shipping cost of  ¿Ã‚ ¡488.125. Forecasting Introduction The time-series below relates to the Sales of a company (00s) for the last five years. The objective is to use the information contained in the time-series data above to construct a forecast of the next four quarters sales. In order to achieve the objective, the following issues will be discussed: Analysis this time-series, Detrend a Time-Series and construct the Seasonal Indices by MINITAB, Forecasting the next four quarters sales and use measures to identify the forecast accuracy, Reservations about the appropriateness of the forecasting procedure used. Time-series Analysis Main characteristics of this time-series The first step in any forecasting exercise is to plot a graph of the time-series. We transfer the data from the table to Minitab and use the time series plot-simple of Minitab to make the graph, since the time-series was recorded in quarter, so we choose the quarter of calendar in time scale. The plot of this time-series looks like: Form the graph above We can roughly find out that there is a decreasing trend over time, a clear quarterly seasonal effect and it is a table time series, the pattern is regular with little random noise. With the purpose of confirming the characteristics of the time-series, we use the cantered moving averages (CMA). Since the CMA is the average and smoothed data of the actual figures, which is much easier for us to determine the characteristics of the time-series, we use this plot instead. As the time-series was recorded in quarters and with quarterly seasonal effect so the length of moving average is 4, and chose the moving averages, plot the graph smoothed vs. actual. Negative Trend Structure, an decreasing trend over time It is a negative trend structure. Look at the smoothed line of this time-series, as at the beginning of the time-series the sales of this company is about 485 ,however , it keeps decreasing and from about 485 down to around 478 to roughly 471 and finally it decrease to around 405. A clear seasonal structure , additive seasonal structure It can be seen from the graph above that there is a clear quarterly seasonal structure, for each quarter 1 the actual observed value is about 13 units below the trend value. For quarters 2, 3 4 estimating from the graph the actual observed values are 30 above, 22 above and 23 below the estimated trend values. Seasonal Structures: Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 -13 30 22 -23 These are estimates of the seasonal indices; and also in this case, for a given variable the quarter 1 is 13 units below trend, quarter 2, 3 are 30 units and 22 units above trend, quarter 4 is 23 units below trend. And it can be seen from the graph above, seasonal deviation is constant about the trend so this seasonal structure is additive. A table time series, the pattern is regular with little random noise The graph of Moving average plot for sales above shows us that the pattern is regular with little random noise, it decreasing stability of the seasonal pattern, and also from the smoothed line we can find that the series reduce stability, from about 485 down to around 478 to roughly 471, ect. No more than 10units lower. Model the time-series QUADRATIC TREND MODELS There are two trend models ,one is linear trend model (Trend = a + b*t ) and the other is Quadratic trend model (Trend = a + b*t + ct2 ), and as we have been calculated the Cantered Moving Average (CMA)above, which is the average and smoothed line of the actual sales, so by using the CMA, we can use value of these two models to compare with the value of CMA, and then choose the model which the value is much closer to the CMA as our forecasting model. There are three commonly used measures of forecast accuracy: Mean Square Deviation (MSD), Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD) and Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE). And the smaller the data is, the more accurate of the forecast. And it can be seen from the graph above that the Quadratic Trend Model, MAPE=0.43297, MAD=1.91172, MSD = 5.44313, and to the Linear Trend Model, MAPE=0.51281, MAD=2.21232, MSD = 7.74838. The data of the Quadratic Trend Model are all smaller than the Linear Trend Model, which means that the value of quadratic trend model is much closer than value of the CMA; the quadratic trend model is much more accurate than the linear trend model, so choose the quadratic trend model to forecast. Detrend a Time-Series and construct SI of MINITAB Detrend a Time-Series Detrend a Time-Series, which means Sales-Trend (DIV), the gap between the actual sales and the forecast sales. After we have decided to take the quadratic model to forecast, we can record the data as the trend data, and the plot the graph above to compare with the sales and trend. And use the actual sales data minus the forecast one we can Detrend a Time-Series. As the graph shows us above the DIV1=472-500.367=-28.3673, DIV2=516-493.333=22.6674, DIV3=507-486.459=20.5414, DIV4=462-479.745=-17.7454, etc. By using the Minitab, we can use the calculator to figure the result. Construct the Seasonal Indices by MINITAB As Seasonal Indices is the quarter average of DIV, after we have calculated the DIV, we can use MINITAB to construct the seasonal indices. And in the MINITAB, we use the decomposition to figure out the SI. As we have described before that the sales trend of this company is additive and seasonal and the data were recorded in quarter, so the seasonal indices is four quarters as a unit, the seasonal length is 4 and the model type is additive. And Seasonal Indices is the average of each quarter of DIV, so the seasonal indices can be calculated as below: Quarter1=SI1= (DIV1+DIV5+DIV9+DIV13+DIV17)/5= -24.0937 Quarter2=SI2= (DIV2+DIV6+DIV10+DIV14+DIV18)/5=20.4062 Quarter3=SI3= (DIV3+DIV7+DIV11+DIV15+DIV19)/5=17.2812 Quarter4=SI4= (DIV4+DIV8+DIV12+DIV16+DIV20)/5=-13.5937 Since seasonal indices is the average of each quarter of DIV so SI is quarterly cycle, the value of SI5 will equal to the value of SI1, SI6=SI2, etc. And also it can be seen from graph above that the SI is quarterly cycle. Forecasting and measures of forecast accuracy Future Forecast As the Future Forecast equal Future Trend plus Future Seasonal Indices, so first we should use the CMA to calculate the future trend of the next four quarters. Since the CMA is the average and the smoothed data of the actual data, using the data of CMA can let forecast more accuracy. And the time-series is seasonal structure of quarter, so the number of forecast is 4. And we use trend analysis to calculate the future trend. After we figure out the future trend, copy the first four Seasonal Indices (SI is quarterly cycle) which we have calculated before (-24.0937, 20.4062, 17.2812, -13.5937), as Future Seasonal Indices. And then use the FTrend and FSI to figure out the Future Forecast value (FFC=FTrend+FSI). After figure out the FFC, copy them after the FC to plot a forecast. The plot of time series of sales and forecast looks like: So the next four quarters; Q1, Q2, Q3 Q4 of 2009 are: Q1=366.116, Q2=406.796, Q3=400.011, Q4=365.637 Measures of forecast accuracy After we calculate the forecasts for the next four quarters, we need to know whether the forecast is accurate or not, so we use the three commonly used measures of forecast accuracy: MSD, MPE and MAD to check the forecasts. i. Mean Square Deviation: MSD = S (Xt Ft)2/n ii. Mean Absolute Deviation: MAD = S |Xt Ft| /n iii. Mean Percentage Error: MPE = S |(Xt Ft)/Xt| /n Since all of measures above need the value of Xt Ft (error), so we should calculate the error first. Error = Sales-FC, in the Minitab we use calculator to figure it out. After calculated the error, we can figure out the value of accuracy. MSD = S (Xt Ft)2/n MAD = S |Xt Ft| /n MPE = S |(Xt Ft)/Xt| /n And for this forecast the MSD=29.3526, MAD=4.69560, MPE=1.08963. As we all know for each forecast indicator, the lower value, the higher prediction accuracy. And usually we use the MPE to confirm the accuracy. Lets look at the MPE, the value of MPE is equal to 1.08963%, though the value of MPE is slightly higher than 1%, it close to 1%, the forecast is still accuracy. Reservation In this forecasting procedure we faced two choices, one is determined the seasonal structure of the time-series, determining whether the seasonal structure is additive or multiplicative. And the other one is to confirm the trend model, choosing the linear model or the quadratic model. The choice we make will affect the accuracy of forecasting. Additive or Multiplicative In this forecasting, we analysis the time-series as additive seasonal structure by using method below ¼Ã… ¡ Seasonal Structures: Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 -13 30 22 -23 In this case ¼Ã…’for a given variable the quarter 1 is 13 units below trend, quarter 2 is 30 units above trend, etc. This is an Additive Seasonal Index. Alternatively we could have expressed the index as follows: Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 -13% 30% 22% -23% Here the quarter 1 data is 13% below the trend value, or more conventionally 87% of trend, similarly for the other quarters. It is conventional to express this Seasonal Index as: Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 87% 130% 122% 77% This is called a Multiplicative Seasonal Index and if the seasonal deviation is proportional to the trend then the seasonal structure is multiplicative. In this case we preferred the additive seasonal structure as the time-series constant about the trend, but in fact it could proportional to the trend and become the multiplicative seasonal structure in the future, so we should make appropriate adjustments base on the future data. Linear or Quadratic model In this case, we modeled the time-series as quadratic model due to the data the company provided closer to the quadratic model now, however, with the future data the model may be transformed into the linear model. Conclusion The objective of the company is to use time-series data to construct a forecast of the next four quarters sales. So as to do the forecast first we analysed the time-series to determine main characteristics of this time-series and modeled it, then found out the difference between the sales and trend to construct the seasonal indices, after that did the forecasting and to identify whether the forecast accurate or not by using the MAD, MSD and MPE. And the next four quarters sales of this company are Q1=366.116, Q2=406.796, Q3=400.011, Q4=365.637. However, during the forecasting procedure we should also consider about the choice we have made whether to choose additive or multiplicative, the linear model or the quadratic model will affect the accuracy of forecasting.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Julia Stasch – Case Study

ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOUR Case study-2 Julia Stasch (A) Submitted To: Submitted By: Section – B Group-7 Name| Roll No. | | | Archana Sharma| 2012074| Ashish Saxena| 2012080| Ayush N. Aggarwal| 2012085| Bhavneet Singh Uppal| 2012092| Chetan Chawhan| 2012100| Deepak Chandak| 2012104| Gaurav Kapshe| 2012119| Outline of the case A. Introduction Richard A Stein, an entrepreneur, established a company named Stein & company in 1971.In short span of time, company evolved with many parallel businesses like real estate services, development and construction consulting, tenant and landlord representation, brokerage, leasing, marketing, asset management and program management and got a privilege to be in fortune 500. In their construction business, they have worked with big giants like AMT, USG Corporation, U. S. General and the University of Chicago. By 1988, company was responsible for more than $1 billion worth of properties. Julia Stasch, B. A. from Loyola University and an M. A. from University of Illinois, joined the company in 1976 as a secretary.Prior to this job she used to teach history in school and was enjoying a schedule that permits her for long vacations. Though, she was unhappy with her salary. Initially the firm, in 1976, employed only four people, and Julia Stasch was one of them. Due to this she had great responsibilities, which consists of reviewing construction loan applications, inspection of work in progress and to lead daily operations. As company grew, Stasch’s position also grew. She started with Secretary, then Project coordinator, then Executive Vise president to Chief administrative officer.Stasch’s vision was to empower women in construction industry and to support minority and women-owned businesses. She got this opportunity in 1984, when local government asked the firm to include affirmative action in a small project. Affirmative action is an action or policies to benefit underrepresented group in areas of employment, edu cation and business. After this project, the firm bid for AT&T, the telecommunication giant, by adding affirmative action component. And combination of business and social cause helped them to win the contract. Stasch with Joe Williams, affirmative action consultant, draw a strategy and made a task force.The work of task force was to define goals and strategy to achieve it. Task force worked out a handbook with details and rules for the contractors and sub contractors, if they want to work with them. They also helped women and minority owned firms with orientation sessions and with giving requisite certificates, bonding and insurance. This leads to success of affirmative action program and brought many awards from both task force and outsiders. Affirmative action program did impact on construction industry but didn’t change male dominated construction jobs of Chicago. A verdict by Bill Townsend and Lauren Sugerman proves the same.Questioning about their upper body strength, t he â€Å"Catch 22† Situation, rude comments, sexual harassment are some of the issues which makes difficult for women to survive in construction jobs. The happenings with Veronica Rose shows dirty picture of construction industry. B. Objective As construction industry is male dominated and women survival is difficult in the same. To find various ways or strategies by which women empowerment can be done in construction industry and to club this social cause with business for win-win situation. C. Analysis Background of the problem:In this case, even after affirmative action program, minority and women-owned suppliers cannot change the male dominating thinking of construction industry. All the high ranked and high paying jobs were held by men. Sex discrimination and anti-women attitudes are still prevalent on worksites, despite the fact that sex discrimination is illegal. Female construction workers suffer from gender and sexual harassment, a factor associated with low job sati sfaction as well as psychological inadequate information and the lack of education and training, about workplace safety and health greatly concern women workers.The culture and attitudes of construction workers, supervisors, and companies about health and safety often condone risk taking and unsafe work practices, passing â€Å"bad† habits from one generation of workers to the next. In the background we still have a cultural stereotype in our societies which associates masculinity with strength and power and femininity with tactfulness and sensitivity. And that is why anti-women attitude have dominance over construction industry. These expectations in turn create distinct social environments in which men and women learn to communicate and deal with conflict in quite different ways.The assumptions that root the frequent argument are that woman is physically not strong to endure this strenuous task. When entering the gender segregated occupations, these women need to prove thei r competence despite their qualifications and experiences. Among the common barriers are social acceptances of employment, sexually-inappropriate occupation, sexual discrimination, sexual harassment, physical incapability, unqualified for blue-collar jobs and labour conditions such as extreme weather, unsociable work-hours and exposure to hazards. Various incidents in this case are hypothesis to this context: . Stasch being aware of AT&T’s attempts to support minority-owned vendors and suppliers, she suggested that Stein & Company should distinguish its bid by including a strong affirmative action component which bought success and Stein & Company got the project to build AT&T’s headquarter building. 2. Affirmative action achieved new heights when more than 100 minority and women-owned contractors and sub-contractors worked on AT&T’s project, and 23% i. e. about $37 million of the aggregate construction dollars went to these firms. . Male workers often made rude comments, played hurtful pranks, committed sexual harassments and sometimes deliberately put women in physical danger. A CWIT study stated that- 88% women workers were subject to picture of naked or partially dressed, 83% unwelcome sexual remarks, 80% faced problem of no toilets or dirty toilets, 60% being given heaviest or dirtiest assignments, 57% being touched or asked for sex. 4. A male co-worker paused by the ladder on which Veronica Rose was working, looked her over and urinated on the bottom rung.Rose had already been threatened with being pushed off from high floor of Manhattan Construction site. She had to face a punch which fractured her jaw by the foreman, whose sexual advances she had snubbed. Once, Rose was pushed into a supply closet by a co-worker and nearly raped. Various alternatives to find the solution: Occupational Segregation: Occupational segregation is one of the barriers which prevents women and men from fulfilling their potential in the labour market, and c onsequently contributes to the pay gap. According to one perspective, occupational egregation is grounded in biology; men’s and women’s jobs to a significant degree reflect innate skills, abilities, and preferences that result in women working as elementary school teachers and men as auto mechanics. According to this perspective, women tend to self-select into jobs that allow them to balance work and family responsibilities, putting them out of running jobs that require large commitments of time and energy. Employers should use occupational segregation to determine the pay scale of workers irrespective of gender which can bring a gender justice in society. Reduced gender gaps in primary school education:Education may be an important precondition to women empowerment, but it does not guarantee that empowerment. For this to occur, women must also enjoy equal rights with men, equal economic opportunities, use of productive assets, freedom from drudgery, equal representati on in decision-making bodies, and freedom from the threat of violence and coercion. Most important, education must serve as the vehicle for transforming attitudes, beliefs and entrenched social norms that sustain discrimination and inequality. Data around the world shows that increased education is associated with the empowerment of women.Educated women are more effective at improving their own well being and that of their family. These empowering effects of women education are manifested in a variety of ways, including increased income earning potential, decision making autonomy, control over their own fertility and participation in public life. Gender Equality and Empowerment of women: A critical aspect of promoting gender equality is the empowerment of women, with a focus on identifying and redressing power imbalances and giving women more autonomy will help them to manage their own lives.It will bring gender justice, greater opportunity and better quality of life so that equalit y is achieved at high level of well beings. Other Practically Applicable Solutions: – * Contractors should be made clear that if any case of women harassment is reported against them, then they will be barred from applying in any of the further projects. * Women workers should be motivated and encouraged to raise voice against any such incidence happened with them and come forward and report about it to the management. Should encourage labour unions and employers to include sexual harassment prevention training in safety and health programs. * Review all communication materials to ensure that they are gender neutral and include women. Visual materials (videos, posters, pictures, etc. ) should include examples of female construction workers to promote an integrated construction workplace. * To address the problem of workplace isolation of female construction workers should assign female workers in pairs. Best Proposed Solution:Government should enforce the prominent safety for women workers. Company should amend the rules for contractors that in case of women harassments, contractor’s company will be barred for further biddings. To establish gender neutral work culture all the above mention solutions has to implement on a long term basis. D. Conclusion In this case we had seen that has the construction labour force becomes more diversified, the construction industry as a whole cannot afford to overlook the genuine problem regarding the safety concerns of female construction workers.These issues merit attention to and action by, all those who share responsibility in the arena of construction safety and health. With the above proposed solution we can empower women as social and economic participants – A first step in the journey towards socio-economic development. And we will be able to provide them a safe and healthy environment in construction companies. The employment of progressive values and externally-motivated philosophies practices ca n enhance overall corporate health in two important areas. First t will enhance the productivity of corporation. Second it will positively affect the outside stakeholder. Sticking to the values and causes for social benefit will help the organisation to grow. E. Managerial learning derived from the case By analysing this case we learned that the creative change strategies implemented by one executive can help in upbringing of minority and women in society and organisation. And how one individual can create social changes? Business can encourage the workforce diversity in organisation.Stasch was having wide latitude of responsibilities in company. But Stasch was making huge efforts to increase the use of minority and women suppliers on Stein’s projects. Being a manager we can create plans and strategies within organisation which can create a positive change in society. For the social economical development of society, gender justice is necessary. References: – 1. An Int roduction to the Sociology of Work and Occupations By- Rudy R. Volti 2. The Future of gender Cambridge University Press- Jude Browne

Friday, January 10, 2020

School Paper Problem Solution Essay Topics Secrets That No One Else Knows About

School Paper Problem Solution Essay Topics Secrets That No One Else Knows About Locating a solid topic is just one of the most essential steps when writing any kind of paper. Furthermore, if you pick great problem solution essay topics, there is not going to be any problem for you to make an ideal text without having to spend an excessive amount of time on writing. If you intend to write for a particular journal, a superb advice is to look at the research paper outline of a number of the articles to have a better idea on the best way to compose your article. Make certain that when you pick a topic, you keep in mind you will want to make certain to create a good thesis and support that thesis with solid factors. Put examples for every single point you write. These points provide insight on how best to pick a problem solution essay topic and possible suggestions to encourage your own. You can be certain that we'll deliver a thoroughly researched paper that satisfies your tutor's instructions. So if you're going to compose the research paper, you've got to include things like a suitable data and correct, relevant calculations. In the event you're not able to do the research paper as a result of any reason, you can rely on ProfEssays to write for you in accordance to your requirements. Writing a research paper is as vital as performing the true research or experiment itself and can seem to be an extremely daunting undertaking. At the close of the research, you are going to be in a position to refer your outcome and discussion back to the research paper question, adding a little bit more information to the store of human understanding. There are a couple of tips on how to compose your abstract but the very best advice is that you look at some journals pertinent to your research and attempt to format your abstract in a similar way. Closed-ended questions offer a list of alternatives for individuals to pick from. If you would like to write a reliable research paper verify factual info and utilize correct and up-to-date data. A problem solution essay demands extensive study and comprehension of the area you're covering. From the above mentioned steps, it's evident that research paper demands a great deal of work, time, effort, dedication and understanding so as to compose an effective one. The overwhelming majority of scientific reports can be simplified into the next constituent parts. Narrow your subject of study to ensure it is meaningful. To get suggestions for your topic just look around. You desire a topic you understand well or something you recognize about. When you are searching for a superior topic, attempt to select a subject which you may manage. Chancing upon a topic for your study can be tough, but there are lots of great techniques to think of intriguing ideas. School Paper Problem Solution Essay Topics Also called junk food, quick food has taken over many nations. If you can't locate any theories of how to address the chosen problem, it's sensible to decide on some other issue. You are able to discuss more than three in the event the dilemma is complex. Once the issue is chosen, you must make a small investigation to learn how it is able to be solved. Want to Know More About School Paper Problem Solution Essay Topics? What's more, perhaps the best measure may be through education. It would also be beneficial that you gather information on other school food fairs that were conducted during past years or in different schools if at all possible. Following that , you should take a look at different printed materials that are offered in the libraries. As a student, you are going to be given to write on several topics. Students could rather seek the help of writing companies. They lead busy lives and often forget about an upcoming deadline. In some cases, they simply devise the study and then imagine the possible results that might occur. Now you know how to compose a problem solution essay, it's time to speak about topics. As an example, researching a wide topic like business management'' is difficult since there might be hundreds of sources on all parts of business administration. Don't forget that for each issue, you want to find three or more solutions and discuss them. Check whether you've written two problems and two solutions aren't.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Racial Identity Of African Americans Essay - 1813 Words

Race is a socially constructed term that society uses to distinguish and categorize people by the color of their skin. With race, unfortunately, comes stereotypes, a distorted image of a particular person or group of people that is widely known and unconsciously recognized throughout society. The strongest stereotypes of Blacks in society are that they are unfriendly, dangerous, or are criminals. There is a correlation between the relationship with race and crime. The stereotype that will be discussed is, African Americans as criminals. In American society, a widespread depiction of crime is that it is mostly committed by Black men. Many Americans have the image of a young Black male as violent and criminal. â€Å"In fact, perceptions about the presumed racial identity of criminals may be so ingrained in public consciousness that race does not even need to be specifically mentioned for a connection to be made between the two because it seems that ‘talking about crime is talkin g about race’† (Welch, 2007, p. 276). Subsequently, the stereotypical image of African Americans being violent and criminals, has been unfairly integrated into society that even when people do not think they are thinking about race, they might actually be thinking about race. When people are thinking about crime they are interrelating that with race. It is widely broadcasted that African Americans are stereotyped as criminals, a partial blame is to be put on the media. The public’s inaccurate image of theShow MoreRelatedRacial Identity Of African American Adolescents821 Words   |  4 Pageswith that, racial identity is another big contributor to the degradation of African American’s youth mental health, as a weak racial identity results in poorly mishandled ways of coping with racism and stress. African American students as early as middle school engage in introspection of their racial identity, where they begin to discover who they are and the negative stereotypes surrounding their identity (Cheryl Holcomb-McCoy, 2007, p.256). The results of a study of 297 African American adolescentsRead MoreToni Morrisons The Bluest Eye: Racial and Social-Cultural Problems Dealing with the Lost Identity of Young African American Women2371 Words   |  10 Pagesand when they walk in Mr. Henry greets them. He flatters them by telling them they look just like Greta Garbo and Ginger Rogers, two white American female actresses. 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Identity endures ordeals to make the person secure and attentive so that it’s easier for the person to know what to expect out of their life. Although changes in our surroundings can be accepted, adjustments to one’s identity can often be challenging. Particularly in African American identity, there is difficulty in accepting who one is and knowing one’s place in societyRead MoreThe Importance Of Sexual Identity Development1243 Words   |  5 Pages The sexual orientation identity development is a theoretical model that conceptualized the resolution of internal conflict related to the formation of individual sexual identity. For sexual minority people, it is commonly known as the coming-out process (Bilodeau Renn 2005). There have been many different models elaborated to explain such process. All of them share similar stages: awareness, crisis, and acceptance (Loiacano 1989). 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Delany and W.E.B Du Bois argue about the emphasis on race and racial consciousness. Together Du Bois and Delaney stress the importance of the color line, or the racial segregation in the United States, as a critical part of American history; nonetheless they both hadRead MoreEthnic Variability Of Hispanic Latino936 Words   |  4 Pagesethnic aspects of Latino/Hispanic identity as part of this governmental decree: â€Å"The racial and ethnic categories set forth in the standards should not be interpreted as being primarily biological or genetic in reference† (The White, 2015, para.17). Therefore, 1997 was the specific date in which this policy became active in distinguishing race from ethnicity in population variability in the Hispanic/Latino community. In terms of Hispanic/Latino identity, the five most common subgroups areRead MoreRace, Religion, Social Class, And Ethnicity1274 Words   |  6 PagesHow you do in school, your social ability, and your awareness of others are all guided by how you identify. Identification in one’s gender, race, religion, social class, and ethnicity are all driving forces behind your future self. Identity is a crucial part of who you are, and in recent studies and experimentation researchers have been trying to identify new, untested factors that influence behavior in people. Although, in the past there hasn’t been a strong focus on the positive and negative effects